Many people experience during a certain time of year the desire to do a serious decluttering. Perhaps they want to start fresh before a new season begins, or perhaps an event occurs that sparks that yearning for a tidy, uncluttered house. Whatever their reasons may be, they know they have to get busy with a serious decluttering and organizing job around the house.
For most people, the best results occur if they follow some sort of plan for their decluttering and organizing job. Many people work well with checklists, so here is a 15 point decluttering checklist. Begin with these and then take it from there!
Toy Organizer Bin
Sort through bills and file appropriately in filing cabinet or other organized system. Throw out (recycle) all outdated flyers and catalogues. Remove outdated photographs and cards received from acquaintances that cover your bulletin board and/or fridge. They won't notice. Sort through closet and bag up clothing that has not been worn in the past 2 years. Donate to charity or sell at consignment store if still in decent shape. Clean up board games closet - only keep games that you know that you will actually PLAY. Dispose of medications that are past their due date. Sort through toy box and separate pieces that belong with each game set (1 bin for lego, 1 bin for crayons, 1 bin for toy cars, etc.) Box up seasonal clothing, shoes, and items - put in storage. Empty junk drawer of all items, replace only "necessary items", and get rid of the rest. Limit the knick-knacks on your display shelves to "half" of what you currently have. Remove all random utensils from the utensils drawer and get rid of ones you never use. Attack your shoe closet! How many pairs of black dress shoes do you need? Sort through linens and towels and get rid of old sets that you never use. Throw out old or wrongly colored make-up that you never use. Sort through jewelry cabinet looking for broken items, or pieces you don't wear or don't like. Sell or dispose of them.
A decluttering checklist for a good decluttering and organizing job like the one above is only a place to start. Decluttering and organizing your house will be a challenge, no doubt. But, if you put the effort in and simply get to work by crossing items off your checklist, you will be surprised at how great your house starts to look!