Do you ever wonder why things always stack up on your desk or in certain areas of your home? The answer is easy and the cure, fortunately, is simple. You're not putting things in their proper place because the article is stored somewhere that is inconvenient to access, or the item just doesn't have a place of its own. If the item is something you use every day, it needs to be in an easily reached location.
The most common example in an office setting is documents. Paper stacks up because the file drawer or binder is full and you dread having to squeeze in another piece of paper. An overstuffed storage area is not convenient so you are not motivated to place anything in it. Paper work may also pile up because you have no assigned place for that particular piece of paper. The solution here is to purge your files/binders or create a specific location for each type of document.
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One of the most frequent causes of paper clutter is mail. In most cases people do not have a specific place to put their mail nor do they have a specific process for sorting their mail. Sort your mail by the trash can or recycling bin so junk mail is eliminated immediately. Develop a system for sorting your mail that works for you. You can use files,bins,folders - whatever you are most comfortable with.
Clothing is another item that tends to collect in a pile. The reason being most peoples closets are too full. The solution is to clean out your closet. At the very least go through your clothing and see what you can throw away or donate. If you have not worn it in a year it is unlikely you need to keep it.
Childrens' toys, books, clothes and school work tends to find its way into every corner of your home. Your children probably have specific places to put things but just are not motivated to put their possessions away. The solution that has worked for me is to assign each child a bin. When you find their things in the wrong place, put them in their bin. Have your kids empty and put away the items in their bin on a weekly or daily basis.
To work towards making your environment clutter free, survey your home and office and look for "hot spots" - areas where clutter tends to accumulate. Analyze the things that accumulate in your hot spots. Take each item in the stack and consider where you store that possession. Is there a place for it? Is it easy to reach? If you root out the cause of the clutter, it's less likely to come back.
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